When Life Gives You Bell Peppers...

I will not bore you with the details, but I had a dreadful day! I hate that I allow outside forces to influence my overall attitude. When the rug is suddenly pulled out from under me, I will fall on my ass and cry. I should be jumping right back up and dusting the dirt from my jeans. In reality, I sulk before I can stand again. It's something I need to work on, but I'm better than what I used to be.

Something that managed to turn my frown upside down was my run. I opted for the treadmill this evening. The weather is lovely, but I was in a bitter mood. No amount of sunshine was going to make a difference. I wanted to purely focus on the aggression that I developed and turn that into some speedy results.

I'm feeling pretty full after eating 18 seconds for dinner. Ha! I wanted to get under 45 minutes, but I can't exactly be disappointed when there's improvement on my time. Maybe I'll get it next week! *fingers crossed*

Another mood boosting event that occurred this evening involved my bell pepper seeds. Before Peter and I moved in to our house, we had every intention on having a full garden. I'm not sure if we are going to grow everything intended, but we definitely caught a glimpse of what we could have this summer.

The green bell pepper seeds we started germinating a few weeks back sprouted!!! Obviously, we have much more to do to keep them growing, but this definitely sparked excitement! I plan on getting soil and pots tomorrow! If this is the only thing we manage to grow this season, I will be satisfied! Though, I would love to see an avocado tree in our future (I have three seeds going at this time).

I never new germinating seeds would be so exciting!

When your feeling upset or angry, does running or a workout normally put you in a better mood?

Do you see better results when you have a bad day or have some pent up aggression?

Have you ever tried growing your own produce? What did you grow? Did it turn out?

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