Rainy Run

Though I am no virgin to running in the rain, today was a first. A long run with a consistent downpour. I was determined to get my 17 miler in, despite the forecast, so I suited up with little rain gear that I have and went out to the roads, without a set route in mind.

It has been a while since I have turned to the road for a long run, but there was no way that the canal was going to be a better choice. I had no doubt that there would be mud and perhaps streams of water that pushed me into a dead end.

So the road it was.

The only plan I had was to get from my house to my parents and have 17 miles of distance in between. I also wanted to conquer new roads I have not run in the past.

Because there wasn't any chance I was going to miss getting wet, I had to be prepared to the best of my ability. Since it was SUPPOSED to be in the 50s, I lay out a 2 short sleeved shirts, a pair of capris, and two pairs short ProCompression socks. I packed doubles so if I needed dry clothes at any point in my run, I could call Peter to drive them out to me. I also set out my HipsSister belt, 2 plastic baggies (one for my phone and one for my iPod), and a hat to help shield the rain from both my head and face. I did not pack food or water. Instead, I brought my credit card in case I would pass any nearby gas stations like Sheetz. They would more than likely carry Gatorade and the Power Bars I like.

I texted my mom, letting her know a general time that I would be arriving at her house and also gave Peter a general idea of where I would be, so in the case he didn't hear from me, he would know where to come looking. After that, I was off just after 9am. Thankfully, it was only misting at that point. Anything else may have deterred me from running at all. It was just a little more cold than I would have hoped, but I knew that my body would warm up soon after I started.

I took some back roads near our home and began to head towards the canal. I didn't intend on running on the trail, but just thought I would take the roads around there since I never actually ran them. I knew I was in for a massive hill climb too....

The bottom of that steep hill you see is about 315 feet. The top of the first slope is 421 feet, which took about 3 minutes to scale. I was only 4.5 miles in to my run when that came up. But that wasn't the only abuse I had to endure.

The rain became heavy around the time I got near that hill (of course!). My arms became red and were next to numb from the cold rain. My hands became harder to move, but I was hopeful that the rain would lighten up.

Not even.

I was determined to finish and told myself that I would call Peter for dry clothes onceI was halfway done. So, I pressed forward and headed towards Dam #4 Road. I wanted a taste of the JFK 50 route. At that point, I decided was going to follow Dam #4 Road to Speilman Road and then into downtown Williamsport, just as the end of the JFK 50 does. 

Though I wasn't at all tired, my body was chilled to the bone. As cars passed me, their tires pelted me with water. I know they didn't do it purposefully, but I would curse under my breath as I took the spray to my already soaked body. I knew of a pavilion that was just before I would make my turn onto Speilman, so I made the decision to stop there to call Peter.

It put me beyond the halfway mark by a mile.

Once I was shielded from the elements, my numb hands dialed Peter's number. I asked him to bring me my extra clothes and a towel to help dry myself a little. He would be about 10 minutes before he found me.

I tried to keep my heart rate up by jumping around and I tried warming my hands my placing them in my pants, just at the hips, but I was soaked. I began to shiver violently. I ended up sitting down at one of the benches and watched the rain as I waited.

I swear, it is pouring here!
As I did, I made the decision to call this run quits. I made it far enough in the elements. Especially those I wasn't used to or had proper gear for.

I was so thankful when Peter arrived. His car was my savior. My ride to warmth. My ride to the comfort of a scolding hot shower.

I think I will do the 17 miler tomorrow instead. When it is not raining.

Tell me! What is your rain gear recommendation? I need a nice jacket to shield me from getting soaked!
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